With a country with a hot and humid tropical climate like in Vietnam, hot weather is always an obsession when going out. Although driving by car, the intense heat can still cause discomfort and affect the health of riders. Not to mention hot sun also harms the car, reducing the life of details, vehicle parts. On the other hand, the heat also makes users use large-capacity air conditioners more fuel consumption.
To overcome this situation, many anti-hot car solutions were born. When cars are required to park in the sun, car heatproof tarpaulins, car sun visors can be used to shield cars. However, when the vehicle is moving, it is not possible to use these types of canvas. So people started to switch to a more comprehensive way to heat cars, which is to insulate car insulation films.
Should automotive thermal insulation films?
Car glass is the place that absorbs heat and solar radiation, causing the most impact on the interior of the car as well as its users. Although the body of the tire is made of metal, the inside is reinforced with some other materials to support insulation. While the car glass occupies a lot of area, has a high level of light transmission, heat transfer and radiation absorption ... but the ability to shield is limited, so this is the main cause that causes the temperature in the car to rise.
However, it is not possible to use good insulation materials such as rubber, plastic ... to shield car glass. Because it will block the transmission, making the space inside the car very dark. But more importantly, the steering glass, rear glass and 2 front window glass must be transparent so that the driver can see around, ensuring safety when moving.
Many people use cloth sunshades or plastic nets to shade the windows. But this is just a way to help reduce sun, not much sunscreen effect, because it is difficult to prevent the glass from absorbing heat and radiation.
Thus, the most difficult problem is that using good insulation materials is obstructed, using many light transmitting materials is not insulating, preventing radiation well. But the advent of automotive window films has solved this difficult problem.
So far, there has not been any search for an alternative to film insulation, so 100% of new-generation cars still use insulation films.